Marcelo Ribeiro

Marcelo Gonçalves Ribeiro é formado em Programação Visual - UFRJ, mestre e doutor em Design pela PUC-Rio. Em 2001, participou do UNESCO-BIB Workshop - Bienal de Bratislava-Eslováquia. Recebeu o Prêmio Petrobras para a realização do curta 'Avenida Rio Branco: quadro a quadro'. Em 2004, recebeu o Prêmio de Melhor Ilustração - FNLIJ pelo livro Robinson Crusoe. Foi professor de animação no NAVE-RJ e, atualmente, é Professor Adjunto na UFRJ.

sexta-feira, agosto 21, 2009

Olympus Pen - Story

Making of "The PEN Story" (em alemão) Agency DSG Dialog Solutions Producer: Bigfish Filmproduktion:

Comentários sobre o filme, nos sites:
"Los creativos de las agencias publicitarias por
lo general se inspiran con cosas que suceden en el mundo web, debe ser
por esto el parentesco que sucede entre el video “A wolf loves pork”
un video que publicamos hace tiempo aquí en camionetica y ahora vemos
en el comercial de la cámara Pen de Olympus, la misma gente de Olympus
dice que se inspiraron en la web (...)"
The PEN Story
An ingenious promo film from the Olympus team for their PEN E-P1 camera, comprised of 60.000 pictures, developing 9.600 prints and then having to shot over 1.800 pictures again, all with no post production!

A few months ago we featured the Olympus PEN E-P1 in our gear section, which you can check out here. Now, Olympus has released an absolutely beautiful film entiled "The PEN Story".

"The PEN Story’ is dedicated to the comeback and the 50th anniversary of the Olympus PEN, which started in 1959 when the first PEN was released and ends with the new digital Olympus PEN E-P1.

Inspired by Mr. Taijin Takeuchi's brilliant work, entitled "A Wolf Loves Pork", a mind-boggling stop-motion animation piece created from hundreds of printed photographs that traverse the walls and furniture of a one-room apartment, the Olympus team was looking for a way to realize a story describing "a journey through time" based on printed images.
The PEN Story – Stop-Motion Animation
Published July 23rd, 2009 in Animation. Tags: Olympus,Olympus Pen Camera,Stop Motion Animation,Stop Motion Photography. Comments

The wonderfully evocative PEN Story short film was created to commemorate the 5oth anniversary of the Olympus Pen series of cameras. The stop-motion video was created by shooting 60,000 individual pictures, out of which 9,600 shots were selected to be printed. An additional 1,800 photographs were shot once again to complete the animation process.
